Papers should be submitted to the Institute (room 104) at least 2 weeks before the defence:
1. two hardbound papers + CD (for each paper)
2. one paper double-sided in soft cover + CD
The thesis must include an abstract in Polish and English and a DECLARATION (marked in the URPPD application to which a link is sent from the Dean's Office) signed and attached at the end of each copy of the thesis.
- statement of control of the diploma thesis in JSA
- statement of independence,
- a statement of conformity.
The CD medium should contain all elements of the thesis - the thesis text in .pdf format, and other elements (programs, applications, films, etc.) - if they are included in the thesis.
The name of the file with the thesis text should be in the form: album_name_mgr (or inz depending on the type of thesis). The CD should be signed in the same way as the file name.
3. an application for the diploma exam (remote mode in the Teams service) printed out from the diploma panel (link sent by the Dean's Office).
4. a RODO statement printed out from the zawodowe absolwentów
5. student ID card
6. confirmation of payment of obligations to the University - Generator Podań in the STUDENT PORTAL on the Faculty website
The diploma thesis should be prepared according to the following template: Wzór opisu pracy dyplomowej